Peer Review Recap Pt 2

16 Feb

Okay, I got to be honest.  This peer review was muuuuuuuccchhhhh better!  This time the reviewers actually gave me SPECIFIC examples of where the language needed to be clarified, or which parts my essay were confusing.  I definitely like that type of feedback, because instead of me having to guess what error the reviewer is speaking of (since my definition of “not clear enough in the second paragraph” may be different from the reviewer’s definition), I can pinpoint exactly what needs to change this time.

This peer review also made me look at how I was reviewing.  I will definitely cite specific examples for others the next time we move into another peer review.  That’s something I hadn’t been doing but now I got the hang of it, and know what to do for next time.

Overall, it was the same process, I got feedback that was more “in-sync” this time.  By that I mean the opinions weren’t different for one paragraph, but collectively my reviewers said the same thing for a particular mistake, which also helps in pinpointing errors in my essay.  They also gave great feedback on what didn’t need to change.  I would definitely like this process to continue, it’s extremely helpful now.  I think the other reviewers are also getting a hang of the process as well, now that we are beginning to understand what is required of us in order to give a great review.

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